
giving teams

Team Flood

GOAL: $10,000

I volunteer with CASA because I’m interested in helping vulnerable children, the needs of whom our society seems to overlook.  Kids stuck in Foster Care in Cook County, often for years on end, are some of the most vulnerable children in the US.   

What the CASA mission means to me-

Studies show that children with a CASA volunteer spend less time in foster care, are less likely to reenter protective custody, and have significantly better outcomes in terms of safety, education, well-being, and mental health than their peers without a CASA volunteer.   Helping these children now can be the difference between a future as a homeless or incarcerated adult, and finding their way into a more healthy, self sufficient future.  

about the gala

Your support will help CASA of Cook County to continue to close the CASA Advocacy gap for children and youth in Chicago and Cook County. Your support will also improve life outcomes in the academic performance, college and career readiness, mental and physical health, developmental growth and family well-being for the 600 children and teens we current serve.